Community Tree Program

Applications for the Community Tree Program will open on February 28th, 2025!

Read the overview below for program details. All applicants will be processed on a rolling basis.

Planting Trees For All Newporters

The Newport Community Tree Program connects residents with free and reduced-cost tree plantings.

  • The program is open to all Newport residents, you do not need to own your home to request a new tree planting.

  • Trees may be planted on City property, along the street or sidewalk, or up to 20ft onto private property.

  • Addresses within Newport’s Health Equity Zone (HEZ), outlined on the map below, may request a new tree free of charge.

  • All other Newport residential addresses may request a tree planting for the subsidized cost of $125.

    1. Applicant reviews the program information and submits an application (select the “Apply Here“ button above) .

    2. The Newport Tree Conservancy (NTC) contacts applicant to set up a site review.

    3. NTC approves/declines application. All decisions will be communicated to applicants by April 15, 2024.

    4. If approved, NTC marks planting site in applicant’s yard.

    5. The City of Newport plants the trees starting in April.

  • Outside HEZ: $125/tree. $20/water bag also available for purchase.

    Inside HEZ: Free (Review the map above to determine if your address qualifies)

  • • Location must be in the city of Newport

    • Yard placement: trees must be sited within 20’ of a public right-of-way (street/sidewalk)

    • Street placement: trees should not interfere with utilities, traffic, or pedestrians

  • Participating in the Community Tree Program not only beautifies your home, but also provides the following benefits to you and our community as a whole:

    • Energy savings from cooling shade

    • Improved air quality

    • Fights climate change by taking up and storing Carbon Dioxide

    • Provides shelter and food for wildlife, such as pollinators and birds

    • Reduces stormwater runoff

    • Reduces urban heat island effect by cooling hot pavement

    Curious about the specific benefits of your chosen tree species? Use the National Tree Benefit Calculator to learn more.

Trees will be 4’-8’ tall when planted, but will continue to grow for years to come. Use the scale below to plan for your tree’s future growth.

Tree Selection

Available Trees - 2024

American Dream® Oak (Quercus bicolor 'JFS-KW12')

Type: Shade Tree

Native?: Yes

Mature Size: 50'H x 35'W

Points of Interest: Glossy foliage, growth habit, fall color

Description: A tough native shade tree with elegant form, showy plated bark, and a nice yellow fall color. Upright in youth, becoming more rounded with age. Has proved adaptable in the northeast and the southern U.S. A vigorous grower with proven resistance to both antracnose and powdery mildew.

Chastity Pear (Pyrus x triploida 'NCPX2')

Type: Flowering Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 30'H x 25'W

Points of Interest: Flowers, fall color

Description: An essentially sterile introduction from the North Carolina State breading program. Improved form and habit over ‘Bradford’ with good crotch angles and upright branching habit. Prolific bloomer in mid-April. Has proved highly resistant to fire blight.

Columnar Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum')

Type: Specimen Tree

Native?: Yes

Mature Size: 50'H x 15'W

Points of Interest: Narrow growth habit, flowers, fall color

Description: The columnar form of one of our great native specimen trees. Branching is directly upright, allowing it to fit into tighter spaces. Fast growing, it will widen slightly at the base with age. Beautiful June flowers and golden yellow fall color make it a beautiful yet formal addition to any landscape.

Flashfire® Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum 'JFS-Caddo2')

Type: Shade Tree

Native?: Yes

Mature Size: 45'H x 40'W

Points of Interest: Plated bark, orange Fall color

Description: An adaptable sugar maple selection with good resistance to heat and drought. Attractive dark green foliage resists foliar disease through the summer, then turns brilliant red in mid-October. Slightly more restrained than other sugar maples, developing a dense, broadly oval habit.

Heritage River Birch (Betula nigra 'Cully')

Type: Shade Tree

Native?: Yes

Mature Size: 40'H x 30'W

Points of Interest: Exfoliating bark, yellow fall color

Description: A tried and true classic, a tree with a proven pedigree. Fast-growing once established, this species is adaptable to dry and moist soils. Habit is upright in youth, becoming more relaxed with age, with graceful branching that forms a pyramidal habit. Usually grown as a multi-stemmed tree, but offered as a single-stemmed plant here. Wonderful papery exfoliating bark and rich yellow fall color are the main interest points.

Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa)

Type: Flowering Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 20'H x 15'W

Points of Interest: Flowers, fruit, fall color, muli-colored bark

Description: A popular and reliable flowering tree. Unmatched 4 season interest, with wonderful white flowers in June, deep red fall color, showy red fruits, and smooth multi-colored bark. The perfect tree for the yard, garden, patio, or even foundation.

Persian spire Persian Ironwood (Parrotia persica 'JLColumnar')

Type: Specimen Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 20'H x 12'W

Points of Interest: Muliti-colored bark, foliage color

Description: A tough native shade tree with elegant form, showy plated bark, and a nice yellow fall color. Upright in youth, becoming more rounded with age. Has proved adaptable in the northeast and the southern U.S. A vigorous grower with proven resistance to both antracnose and powdery mildew.

Pink Myst Cherry (Prunus sargentii 'JFS-KW21PS')

Type: Flowering Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 25'H x 15'W

Points of Interest: Spring blooms, fall color

Description: Narrow and upright in form, but compact in height, this flowering cherry is well-suited for urban landscapes. Very cold hardy. Fall color is consistently bright orange-red, among the best of the Asiatic cherries. Handsome bark and an upright symmetrical habit provide winter appeal.

Redpointe® Red Maple (Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr.')

Type: Shade Tree

Native?: Yes

Mature Size: 45'H x 25'W

Points of Interest: Flowers, scarlet fall color

Description: One of the most popular red maples in cultivation, this outstanding selection is very fast growing, with a strong pyramidal Form. Red flowers in the early spring, clean dark green foliage through the summer, culminating in brilliant scarlet to red fall color. Resistance to heat, adaptable to varying soil conditions, and performing well throughout the U.S. are just some of the reasons that make this tree one of the most popular shade trees on the market.

Royal Raindrops® Crabapple (Malus 'JFS-KW5')

Type: Flowering Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 20'H x 20'W

Points of Interest: Flowers, fruit, leaf color

Description: The top-selling crabapple for a reason. Wonderful pink flowers, purple bronze foliage through the season, and dark red fruits persisting into winter. Disease resistant to fire blight, scab, and mildew, and performing great in hot dry environments. Foliage color deepens as the summer continues. Great flowering tree for a small yard.

Symatree® Maple (Acer saccharinum 'JFS-H1')

Type: Shade Tree

Native?: No

Mature Size: 30'H x 20'W

Points of Interest: Compact symmetrical growth habit

Description: An exciting new introduction, selected in Wisconsin for a uniquely compact growth habit and structurally sound, symmetrical branching structure. Does not flower or produce fruit. Fast growing and quick to establish, will prove tough like typical silver maple. Good for small yards and tough locations.