Heritage Tree Center

The Newport Tree Conservancy's Heritage Tree Center is currently located at Roger's High school off of Ruggles Ave. The hoop house, also known as the Tree House, was first built in 2017 in collaboration with the high school and The Newport Project. Since its establishment, the space has become a vibrant nursery, providing growing space for historic, unusual, and beautiful specimen trees that are diligently propagated and selected by our horticultural staff. Once these trees reach a healthy size, they are distributed through our annual programs to be planted in public and private spaces throughout the city of Newport.


  At the Hertiage Tree center we :

•Care for trees that will grow to be the canopy of Newport's future

•Preserve the genetic lines of historic trees of cultural and natural significance

•Propagate the next generation of heritage trees for public and private planting

•Add native plant diversity to Newport while engaging the public with our annual volunteer planting event at Miantonomi Park

•Promote horticultural and environmental science education while inspiring a love of nature in the greater Newport community

Looking Forward

In 2024 we began a multi-phase transition to a new home in Newport on Coggeshall Avenue. This new facility will elevate our mission of planting and maintaining Newport’s tree canopy, providing more space to grow and fulfill our goals.

This model program would not be possible without supporters  like you!


Heritage Tree Center Accession List
A diverse group of propagated and procured woody plant species, and a repository for some of Newport’s most historic plant genetics.

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