A forward-looking vision that will sustain and enhance Newport’s trees, parks, and open spaces for generations to come.
Our Partners
The Newport Tree Conservancy is proud to be a member of the Newport Open Space Partnership (NOSP). This partnership was formed to collect input from Newport’s citizens and develop a comprehensive Master Plan for our city’s open spaces. The Newport Tree Conservancy is committed to the partnership’s goal of developing a forward-looking vision that will sustain and enhance Newport’s trees, parks, and open spaces, ecologically, culturally, economically, and socially for generations to come.
The Newport Open Space Partnership
City of Newport
Newport Tree & Open Space Commission
Aquidneck Land Trust
Aquidneck Island Planning Commission
Newport Tree Conservancy
Newport Open Space Master Plan
The Newport Open Space Partnership was formed to work with the greater community to bring such a plan to reality. The Partnership would like to express our sincerest thanks to the hundreds of individuals and organizations whose ideas and insights shaped the Newport Tree, Parks & Open Space Master Plan. This was a truly collaborative effort, and public input was a critical component of this planning process.
Thank you to our Sponsors: