Harbor House Arbortetum
The Property
Harbor House is a historic property that provides beautiful and affordable housing for senior citizens. The property overlooks Narragansett Bay with expansive grounds for residents to enjoy. The founder of Harbor House, Adé Bathune, envisioned the restoration of the property in an effort to bring older citizens together in a retirement community. During economic difficulties in the early 1990s, funds were lacking, but Adé kept her faith in the project and its integrity alive. Her dream for a beautiful place for seniors to live in simplicity was made a reality in 2001. Today, there are 38 apartments at Harbor House and a waiting list of over 200 potential residents.
A prominent feature of Harbor House’s rich history, the main building consists of six different houses built at various times, including a convent with a small Gothic-style chapel and a retreat center. These buildings were rearranged and moved to culminate in the Harbor House complex. The historic chapel remains a neighborhood landmark and reminder of the Corpus Christi Carmelite Retreat House and Convent.
The Collections
Harbor House also supports a small greenhouse, where residents can grow and tend to plants as they please. Residents are able to nurture a vegetable garden on raised garden beds kindly donated by Home Depot, and plant new trees as a community. The location of this property renders it unique in its landscape and tree collections. Property manager John Byrne explained how the trees are positioned so as to not affect the ocean view. Harbor House’s proximity to the water exposes plants to harsh winds and salt spray. Some mature specimens thriving in these harsh conditions include an ancient yew, and a massive London Planetree, likely original plantings from the 1850s when the Auchincloss house was built.
Harbor House Plant Inventory
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Harbor House Tree Map - Google Maps
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The Mission
The mission of the Harbor House Arboretum is to be consistent in replanting efforts to maintain the existing tree collection and canopy, as mature trees reach the end of their lifespan. In addition to maintaining the property’s green diversity, the Harbor House Arboretum encourages resident engagement in the landscape. After ongoing renovations to the entire complex are completed, Harbor House will house a collection of trees tolerant to coastal conditions that will eventually be well conditioned for planting in coastal areas of Newport.