Island Cemetery Arboretum

The Property

The Arboretum at Island Cemetery Newport is an inspiring landscape that connects old with the new, and the living with the deceased. Over the last few years, the cemetery has addressed needs to rehabilitate both the plant materials and numerous structures within the landscape, which unfortunately, had been neglected for a significant period of time. Recent leadership and staffing changes have thrust forth a firm commitment to revive the landscape. Many new trees have been planted on the grounds, representing cultivated varieties that are best suited for long term survival. Old hedges have been cut back for ease of maintenance, and many strangling and overgrown vines have been removed. Trees in poor condition have been removed, with the thought of using this created space for new planting opportunities. The restoration of the Belmont Chapel has been a massive rehabilitation success that should be noted. The chapel, constructed in 1886, was designed by architect, George Champlin Mason, who is buried at the cemetery. A beautiful pre-modern gothic structure that represents an intriguing time in Newport’s history, the chapel stands prominently and is visible from almost all locations within the cemetery. An extensive restoration project to stabilize and refurbish the chapel’s structure began in 2014 with the formation of a non-profit organization, the Belmont Chapel Foundation.

The Collections

The grounds of the cemetery is home to many notable woody plants. Several old yews can be found on the grounds, including 12 fastigiate English yews (Taxus bacata ‘Fastigiata’),some of which are the finest in all of Rhode Island. Old columnar Arborvitaes (Thuja occidentalis ‘Columnaris’) are highly amusing with their splaying habit, an old school plant that can’t be enjoyed in many other places. The landscape is dotted with many tightly pruned evergreen azalea bushes, mainly Rhododendron x obtusum ‘Amoenum’, which brighten the grounds in early May. A beautiful common horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) flowers right around Memorial Day to let everyone know summer is on its way. A newly created path is lined with young stewartias (Stewartia psuedocamellia), which only increase in beauty with each passing week and month

Island Cemetery Plant Inventory

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Island Cemtery Tree Map - Google Maps

Select the “+” icon below to zoom in to see tree collection details.

The Mission

The mission of the Island Cemetery Newport Arboretum is to provide a green, healthy and beautiful environment throughout the cemetery grounds.

  • To preserve and care for the trees currently inhabiting the arboretum space.

  • To add and care for new species, both native and exotic

  • To educate visitors about basic tree maintenance and care.

  • To celebrate trees through events within the arboretum and in the surrounding community.

  • To allow private or business groups and/or individuals to submit ideas, proposals, or donations for the arboretum in order to encourage community involvement.

  • To allow approved volunteer groups and/or individuals to work in the arboretum by assisting with the care and maintenance of the trees, plants, and the general landscape

History of Island Cemetery

Island Cemetery was part of the garden cemetery movement which began with Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA.  The cemetery was an unofficial arboretum for most of its existence, with well-manicured trees and grounds.  

Island Cemetery and the adjacent Common Burying Ground together contain over 5,000 graves, including a colonial-era slave cemetery (God’s Little Acre) and and important Jewish cemetery. These two cemeteries were added to the National Register of Historic Places as a single listing in 1974.

For further reading on the history of Island Cemetery click here.